Real Estate Credit Investment Series

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Real estate credit (also known as real estate debt) is a rapidly growing asset class in Australia.

Through a series of three insight pieces, our Head of Real Estate Credit, Drew Bowie, provides an introduction to real estate credit, exploring its fundamental attributes and advantages.

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What is real estate credit

A defensive asset class offering downside protection, real estate credit is well-positioned to take advantage of a rising interest rate environment and volatile financial markets. In the hands of an experienced manager with multi-cycle experience, it seeks to provide investors with a reliable income return adjusted for inflation.

Importantly, real estate credit offers the opportunity for capital protection via secure lending structures attached to the underlying investment, the first-ranking mortgage.

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Income adjusted for inflation

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Potential for capital protection

Diversification benefits

Interest rising | The case for real estate credit

Defensive in nature with a relatively attractive, resilient return profile, by design real estate credit can be shielded from the inflation challenges ahead. It can be an attractive through-the-cycle option for investors now both cyclically and structurally.

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Mortgage security | The bedrock of real estate credit

The cyclical and structural case for investing in the private market alternative of real estate credit is strong. As part of a diversified portfolio, it can offer a reliable and inflation-adjusted income return.

Equally important is the defensive strength and clear line of sight for downside capital protection provided by the security attached to its underlying investment – the first ranking mortgage.

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Avoiding the pitfalls | Choosing a real estate credit manager

As in all investment decisions, the experience and track record of the asset manager is an important factor. So, what are the key questions investors should ask when considering investing in real estate credit?

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Ausbiz interview: A new environment calls for a different asset allocation mindset

In an interview with AusBiz’s Kyle Rodda, our Head of Real Estate Credit, Drew Bowie, provides an introduction to the asset class and its advantages in a rising interest rate environment.

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